SODAX FL01 Water Dispenser Active carbon filter for Sodax X1 machine
Sodax filter specifications / Filter features
Chlorine reduction over 75% (class I) / Particles reduction 85% 5 micron
High activity granular activated carbon manufactured by steam activation of selected coconut shells
Chlorine reduction and filtration level have been specified using a genuine Sodax cartridge. Sodax filter cartridge can be used only for potable cold water.
Attention: Sodax filter cartridge require periodical and regular maintenance in order to guarantee all the potability requirements and to keep the performances declared by the manufacturer.
Test parameters: Ph=7,5+-0,5; flow rate= 1,9 Lpm (0,5 gpm); pressure = 3 bar; temperature= 20°C-22 °C
Service life 1.500 liters-6 months
Flow rate 2 lpm (0,5 gpm)
Operating temperature 5°C- 40°C
Pressure 2-4 bar
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