8″ dampers with remote control: kit 4 rooms. – duct damper control / automatic ac dampers / zone damper / air duct damper


automatic ac dampers / zone damper  / duct damper control

Qty must be greater than or equal to 1000

dampers operation system

With this system, each of the residents in the house can control the temperature they want.

Electronic control system which controls dampers.

receiver: strong micro-controller

Remote control with “I feel” function

Cooling/Heating mode

Inclued power supply for 4 rooms

Quick and easy installation

Available kits of 3 or 4 rooms.

The price is for all set of 4 pcs



Damper room control/Clapet Coupe Feu/ Дросель-клапан / Circular Volume Control Damper /Universal Make-Up Air Damper/ Round damper for airflow adjustment/ Drosselklappe ohne Dichtung /Sperrklappe/ 接続型防火ダンパ/Clapets de dosage circulaire/Clapet déquilibrage motorisé /Clapet coupe-feu /Kruhové požární klapky/Požární klapky/ Požární komponenty/YUVARLAK HAVA DAMPERİ/VOLUME DAMPER /풍량 조절용 핸들이 부착된 댐퍼/댐퍼/Drosselklappe /Spjäll klass/


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